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The Intensive Multi-Treatment Intervention program is a unique and powerful approach to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that integrates a variety of treatments into a single program. Every IMTI program is customized to address the unique challenges and needs of each individual child.

The IMTI Program begins at home and transitions into school or life-skills to work-based education and support. Individual programs are supervised and directed by Jonathan Alderson, Ed.M. and led by parent(s) who are provided with monthly training, step-by-step guidance and the support to effectively run and administer their child's customized treatment program.

Intensive Multi-Treatment Intervention focuses on three main domains:
    1) Biological treatment
    2) Behavioural and cognitive education
    3) Family and therapist Attitudinal Fitness™ training
The IMTI Program considers not only which strategies best address an individual's needs, but equally important is the order in which various steps of a treatment design are introduced. Does 'Brain Gym' follow socialization or should a special diet proceed behavioural techniques? The IMTI Program follows the structure of the 6 Phases of program development pioneered and designed by Mr. Alderson:
    Phase 1: Free-play and Relationship Building
    Phase 2: Expanding Activity Repertoire
    Phase 3: Curriculum and Table Work
    Phase 4: Peers and Play-dates
    Phase 5: Transition to Public Environments
    Phase 6: Transition to School Setting
The underlying belief that drives IMTI is that the factors contributing to your child's behaviour, communication and learning challenges are multifaceted; therefore, treatment should be multi-faceted as well. Single-focused treatments such as behavioural therapies, play-therapies or diets alone are simply not able to address all of your child's needs. As represented by the puzzle symbol, PDD and autism are complex disorders. There is no single cause that yet explains all of the behaviour and challenges of these special children, and no single treatment that addresses all of their needs.

According to the National Research Council's summary report Educating Children with Autism (2001) on the state of autism treatment in North America: : No single intervention has been shown to deal effectively with problem behaviours for all children with autism (p.118). Current research and the most recent government reports in the U.S. suggest that the most effective treatment programs are those that combine a variety of approaches that are customized to each child's needs. A review of anecdotes and parent-told stories of autism recovery supports the NRC's finding that programs which include and combine more than one treatment approach can help children to achieve their maximum potential and development; IMTI does just this! The IMTI motto is: Treatment as unique as your child.

There are 6 broad development phases of an IMTI program beginning with Free-play and Relationship Building and ending with Transition to a School Setting. Children typically learn best at first in a non-distracting, safe, and accepting environment. Beginning in the home, we generalize outside and then into school.

"Home-based" does not exclude pre-school or other educational settings. If your child is indeed thriving and learning in a particular environment, it may make sense to incorporate this into his/her program. Programs are designed in conjunction and cooperation with the parents according to each family's individual needs, goals, beliefs and resources (time, finances, support, etc.).

Undergraduate and graduate studies in educational and developmental psychology as well as a Masters in Education provide Mr. Alderson with a solid reference and frameworks from which to design programs. However, it is his experience working with families and their children with autism for over 13 years that he draws upon for inspiration and the best of what works. His formative training and 8 years of work at the Son-Rise Program in Massachusetts provides much of the foundation of the attitudinal training parents receive. This is unique among other treatments in North America.

A typical home-based IMTI program will run between 18 to 24 months. Some programs may run longer.

Currently, in his private practice, Mr. Alderson accepts a limited number of families at any given time as he provides customized and intensive training and communicates regularly with parents. Each family is scheduled a minimum of 1 full training day (6 hours) per month for as long as they want / need input.

For further information and a personal consultation please click here
"Two years ago, we began working with Jonathan to put together a home program for our son diagnosed with autism. At that time, Liam was completely non-verbal and frustrated to tears many days. He had digestion and bowel problems and was uncomfortable daily with a bloated stomach. Through the IMTI Program, we were guided to address Liam's needs from his health to his education.

Liam now has an amazing imagination and shares his detailed stories, using full sentences and lots of animation. He was a child, who barely looked at us. He now sits at the table anticipating new activities and curriculum. And most importantly, he has a playful relationship with his baby sister and expresses his love to his father and me often!

The IMTI program that we implemented to help our son educationally and nutritionally, has not only had a tremendous impact on him, but on us as well. Thank you, Jonathan for touching our lives in such a profound way."

Nancy and Bryan B., Son: Liam, Age: 5, Ontario, Canada


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